Thursday, December 22, 2016

Visualforce - Beyond Basics Series 36 - Action for Lookup Dialog

What is Lookup dialog ?

All parent relationship field which is of type lookup can be changed using the standard inputField tag on them.

How can we take action after the Lookup ?

When user selects some value for the parent relationship, we may need to take some action, perhaps a validation (or) confirmation action to the user.

Where it will be useful ?

We could use this for validation purposes or rendering different section of the page based on the value selected, etc.

Where is the Code ?

The code will illustrate how to take action after the lookup value changed & update different section of the page based on the new selected value.

Any Screenshots ?

When loaded

After lookup

After value changed

Walk through in a video ?

1 comment:

  1. I am getting this issue

    Attempt to de-reference a null object
    Error is in expression '{!changeAccount}' in page rapidorderentry: Class.ProductController.changeAccount: line 11, column 1


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