Visualforce - Beyond Basics Series 23 - Cascade Action Functions
When Action Functions used ?
The action functions are invoked normally from visualforce page after the page has been loaded. This could be from page init action, button action or any call directly from Custom Javascript.
What cascading action function means ?
If you have a action function associated with Button & you want to take some more action once its completed. And you could continue doing so for any number of times.
What is the benefit of doing so ?
I have seen developers cramming so many lines of code inside the action function, mostly for Button actions. Because, as the requirements keeps growing, developer keeps adding so many logic inside same action function. Instead, you can have many smaller action functions & call one after another depending on conditions.
Where is the code ?
For illustration, i have a button which will invoke a action function. While its invoking action, it also specify what is the next action will be. So that, after the call, the next action function gets called.
In a coin box