Thursday, December 22, 2016

Visualforce - Beyond Basics Series 35 - Build own Dialog Box

What is dialog box ?

Dialog box is a container where a message is displayed to the user & they can either Accept or Cancel the message.

Is there a standard dialog box component ?

There's no standard component to achieve that. so, we need to build a custom one.

How normally developers achieve this ?

Normally developers would use some third party libraries like Jquery, backbone etc to get the dialog box for their use case. But, it's not necessary, as it is very simple to build one & reuse for all your projects.

What is my solution ?

I build a component to create the dialog box & it can be used by pages when they wish to display a message to the user.

Where is the Code ?

I have illustrated with a page including the dialogbox component that i have created. Dialogbox component will accept the message to be displayed & Ok/Cancel action that will be executed. And also it accepts the rerender list of ids for each Action. It's possible to do everything that we could do with a dialog box.

Any Screenshots ?

After clicking 'Show Dialogbox'
After clicking 'OK'

Walk through in a video ?

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